Currie & Brown partners with CH2M on Palace of Westminster project

Currie & Brown is part of CH2M's team that has been formally awarded the Lot 2 contract to deliver the programme, project and cost management services on the restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster.

The award of this contract follows a rigorous procurement process run by Parliament and its Strategic Estates team to help ensure the continued running of a safe, secure and viable home for the UK Parliament. In the short term this will consist of a programme of mechanical and electrical (M&E) repair work to ensure that the Palace remains safe and habitable beyond 2020, as well as detailed exploration of the condition of the building, a building-wide security strategy, planning for a major programme of asbestos removal, and fire safety improvements. Since its construction in the mid-1800s, many features and systems in the Palace have never undergone a major renovation, and the heating, ventilation, water, drainage and electrical systems are extremely antiquated.

The works carried out will remain option neutral and do not affect decisions on which option the two Houses may want to consider in any future debates on a way forward for a restoration and renewal programme for the Palace of Westminster. This next, detailed preparatory stage will ensure Parliament is ready to commission design work once Members of both Houses have made a decision in principle and will ensure that taxpayers, as well as Government and Parliament, can be confident that the final proposal is the most cost effective, and ensures value for money for taxpayers. Before the final go-ahead for the chosen option is given, a detailed design brief, business case and budget will be developed for Parliament’s approval.

Commenting on the award, Alan Manuel, Currie & Brown’s UK chief operating officer, said: "Currie & Brown is delighted to be delivering cost management services as part of this powerful team. With our expertise in working on historic buildings, including past and present projects at the Palace of Westminster, and a strong and experienced team of mechanical and electrical surveyors, we will help to ensure that value for money is obtained for the taxpayer on this programme of works."

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