Currie & Brown secures contract on NHS North of England framework

Currie & Brown, in conjunction with Community Ventures, has been appointed on the NHS North of England (NOE CPC) procurement framework for estates and building consultancy services 2018 - 2022. The framework aims to provide a range of estates consultancy services to member trusts across the region, with a view to driving best value from their property portfolios.

Currie & Brown will support Community Ventures on two lots of the framework. The first is for building-related services and includes dilapidations, condition reporting as well as general advice on buildings and estates. The second lot is for quantity surveying and cost advisory services, which includes procurement advice, cost planning and budget estimating.

Phil Watson, senior director at Currie & Brown, explains: “The NHS NOE CPC framework will ensure the broad needs of the NHS and other healthcare organisations are met. Currie & Brown has a strong relationship with Community Ventures and we are looking forward to working closely together on this framework to secure best value and realise quantifiable improvements in operational efficiency and cost for NOE CPC member trusts and customers.”

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