Currie & Brown appointed by London Borough of Haringey for school refurbishment works

Appointed by the London Borough of Haringey, Currie & Brown is providing quantity surveying services on the refurbishment of Chestnuts Primary School, Highgate Primary School and Blanche Nevile Primary School.

Chestnuts Primary School was constructed in the late 1890s and subsequently extended to include a swimming pool and nursery building. The main building features pitched roofs with dormer windows, and the belvedere and cupola on the roof of the buildings are considered principal landmarks within St Ann’s conservation area, in Tottenham, London.

Currie & Brown will provide quantity surveying services on repair and improvement works to the building envelope, grounds, boundaries, heating, ventilation, and acoustic and electrical performance, while reducing energy usage.

Highgate and Blanche Nevile primary schools are located between Highgate and East Finchley, and comprise two buildings, the main building and the family centre. The main building was constructed circa. 1870, with the addition of the family centre in 2000. Currie & Brown is providing a schedule of work to enable the refurbishment works within the two schools.

Gavin Ferraris, director in Currie & Brown’s London office, commented: “Our appointment to refurbish these schools builds upon our ongoing relationship with the London Borough of Haringey. We will draw on our expertise in listed and heritage buildings to bring the buildings up to current standards, while retaining the splendid architectural features of the buildings.”

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