Currie & Brown represented on UKGBC Leaders Network

Alan Manuel, chief operating officer for Currie & Brown’s UK and Europe business, is joining the UK Green Building Council’s (UKGBC) Leaders Network.

UKGBC aims to radically improve the sustainability of the built environment, by transforming the way it is planned, designed, constructed, maintained and operated.

The Leaders Network brings together over 150 CEOs and executives from member organisations on a quarterly basis, creating a powerful group of individuals dedicated to driving change. The purpose of the network is to improve and drive sustainability across the built environment by sharing stories, championing responsible business practice and influencing government policy.

Alan will be attending a virtual Leaders Network event during World Green Building Week (21-25 September 2020), which will focus on the UK’s built environment sector and its leadership on the road to the UN climate change conference, COP26, in November 2021. During the week, a variety of events will take place, including discussions on net zero journeys and the respective leadership roles of both industry and government in taking the actions needed to transition to net zero.

Currie & Brown is also represented on two of UKGBC’s task groups.

Jess Daly, senior consultant, is a member of the Defining Social Value Task Group, which aims to establish a common understanding of social value in the built environment. Tassos Kougionis, associate director at Currie & Brown, is a member of UKGBC’s task group for Renewable Energy Procurement and Carbon Offset Guidelines, a team of people who will develop guidance for procuring renewable energy and offsetting outstanding carbon balance as part of UKGBC’s Advancing Net Zero programme.

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