Plans submitted for transformation of historic Powderhall Stables

Currie & Brown is providing project management, quantity surveying and principal designer services to the City of Edinburgh Council on the refurbishment of Powderhall Stables.

The project will see the category B-listed former stable block transformed into a modern office, studio and events space. Originally constructed in 1893, the building will also boast two large function rooms with catering space. An outdoor square for events and street markets will also be created.

The refurbishment is part of the Powderhall Waste Transfer Station regeneration programme, which will also deliver 200 new homes, a nursery and housing for older people. The project aims to complete by the end of 2021.

Funding for the project is via the Scottish government’s regeneration capital grant fund and the City of Edinburgh Council City Strategic Investment Fund.

Councillor Kate Campbell, convener of the council’s housing, homelessness and fair work committee, commented: “I’m delighted to see this development progressing. Edinburgh needs flexible, affordable spaces in the city for artists and businesses and Powderhall Stables will support dozens of jobs and the local economy. The current Covid-19 crisis is a reminder of just how important it is for buildings to be flexible and future-proofed - and redevelopments like this will provide the city with more adaptable spaces.

“It’s also a great opportunity to drive forward inclusive growth as we recover from the pandemic and provide something which benefits the whole community. Like Powderhall’s planned function space, which could be used in a number of ways from after-school clubs to outdoor-only events.”

Councillor Mandy Watt, deputy housing, homelessness and fair work convener, added: “Many people in Edinburgh will have fond memories of this building and will be pleased to see these plans brought forward. We want to restore the Victorian features, create brand-new affordable homes and bring it back into community use. The restoration of the stable block will be the centrepiece of this project and make the most of the prime location so that it benefits local workers and the whole area.

“It also comes at an important turning point for the city. Development is going to be crucial as we recover from the current pandemic and more than ever, we need our events and workspaces to be flexible and fit for the future.”

Ken Scott, director in Currie & Brown’s Edinburgh office, added: “Currie & Brown is delighted to be able to bring our expertise in restoring historic buildings to the Powderhall Stables regeneration scheme. The project will breathe life back into a long-neglected building, restoring Scottish history and supporting wider community schemes for housing and the arts.”

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