Work completes on new high school in Lossiemouth

Work has now completed on the construction of the new Lossiemouth High School, replacing the original buildings and expanding the services offered on site.

Moray Council engaged the partnering services of hub North Scotland Ltd, who appointed Balfour Beatty to carry out the construction works and Currie & Brown to provide cost management and project management services. Moray Council also contracted Currie & Brown to undertake the independent tester service.

Designed by JM Architects, Lossiemouth High School opened in April 2021. Catering for 800 pupils, it will also feature a community facility, swimming pool, library and games hall.

The third phase of the project, which will see the demolition of the old school building and the creation of a new 3G sports pitch, will start when the new school opens, and is scheduled for completion in spring 2022.

With funding from the Scottish Futures Trust and Moray Council, the £42 million replacement school is the last of the schools to be built as part of the Scottish government’s Schools for the Future programme, an ambitious plan to build 117 new schools across the country over a ten-year period.

Shona Leese, senior project officer for Moray Council, said: “The services provided by Currie & Brown allowed the handover of Lossiemouth High School to progress despite the challenges posed by Covid-19. The team involved was able to adapt the delivery of their services and they have contributed towards a fantastic new building that will benefit both the school and the community.”

Ron Smith, director in Currie & Brown’s Glasgow office, added: “Despite setbacks due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are delighted that the handover of the school has now taken place, and that pupils will be able to move in after the spring half term.”

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