A fresh approach to global healthcare

Having been at the forefront of the UK healthcare sector for more than a decade, Helen Pickering will take on the role as global healthcare director with a strong focus on the US and Middle East markets.

Following harsh inflation rises, shortage of labour and on-going supply-chain issues, compounded by a growing and ageing population, the healthcare industry faces serious challenges across the globe. A fresh and honest approach is needed if the industry is going to meet the growing demands of modernisation, sustainability and costs. Helen will engage with healthcare owners and partners across the world and support delivery of significant cost savings to major projects, whilst improving the patient care programme.
Helen led the UK healthcare team and secured the IHEEM Consultancy of the Year award last year (for the second time) and has successfully delivered on major healthcare projects, including the new Chase Farm Hospital. Helen’s wealth of experience will continue to add value to global healthcare projects and her role will play a major part in the next phase of Currie & Brown’s long-term strategy.
Helen is located in our New York office and will be working closely with our Dar Group sister companies, including Perkins & Will.
Helen said:
“We consistently provide international clients with future-proof solutions in all sectors, from data and tech, transport infrastructure and the pharmaceutical markets. Saving clients’ money whilst driving quality and adding value is in the DNA of what we do at Currie & Brown. This is underpinned by a relentless need to improve sustainability and exceed client expectations. I am delighted to take on the global role for healthcare and work alongside our industry leading experts, including Bill McDonald, our US healthcare director and Martin Clark, our UK healthcare director.”
Alan Manuel, CEO said:
“I am delighted to announce this strategic leadership position within Currie & Brown, crucially helping develop and shape our global healthcare business. Helen’s wealth of experience and comprehensive understanding of global healthcare systems, how they work and the estate that best fits these systems, will now benefit clients across the globe.
We now have the opportunity to demonstrate this offer on a much larger global scale, with greater agility to tackle the ever-changing priorities of clients and society while growing the healthcare business, increasing profitability, and establishing important recurring revenue opportunities.”

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