A leap forward in cancer care in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The NHS’ NHP is the UK government’s commitment to build 40 new hospitals by 2030. The goal is to replace outdated infrastructure with modern, innovative, and sustainable buildings to provide world-class healthcare services and facilities for patients, staff and local communities.
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (JPUH) is one of the hospitals identified for inclusion in the NHP. The hospital was constructed mostly using reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC). This prompted the NHS to ask the government to prioritise the rebuilding of the hospital given the risks it poses. Patients and staff will now benefit from a major new-build hospital, equipped with the latest technology.
The system-wide transformation programme oversees the transformation and change projects needed to support the development of plans for the Outline Business Case for the new hospital. It also aligns with the Trust’s other transformation programmes.
We developed a Change Framework in partnership with the JPUH NHP and Transformation teams. Together we provided a programmatic approach, collating and evaluating the impact of system-wide transformation programmes to prioritise those that deliver local and system objectives. The approach assures that new models of care and activity assumptions driving the scope, scale and size of capital investment plans are supported by operational plans. It also ensures achieving other objectives delivered as part of wider work programmes eg digitalisation, net zero carbon and improved working environments.
The benefits of the programmatic approach include
JPUH’s aim is to keep services person-centred and fully inclusive. Enablers will include digital technology, modern adaptable infrastructure, and an engaged and evolved workforce.
This will be achieved across three key themes:
The service transformation programme and redevelopment of the new hospital will support these themes. This will result in the delivery of key patient benefits, including:
Currie & Brown worked with the Trust to produce the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) for the NHP scheme, setting an ambitious but achievable programme plan. Our cost advisors also supported by completing the capital and revenue cost requirements for the SOC.
We met the Trust’s target to circulate drafts of the business case within seven weeks of appointment. Within the first week we recognised that to achieve this programme, the team needed to move towards a robust set of options, which were sufficiently defined and differentiated in line with HM Treasury Green Book guidance. We developed an options scoping framework to facilitate this. Throughout the programme, we used our experience and knowledge of producing NHS business cases to manage and focus the team and deliver at pace, meeting the Trust’s requirements.
We provided structure and process to the system-wide transformation programme. By establishing a Change Framework, this supported mapping and evaluating existing and proposed transformation programmes. We supported JPUH NHP team and JPUH Transformation team to collate the information needed to assess the requirements and outcomes of each project to understand which will deliver best value for the Trust. We developed an Evaluation Framework that provided a mechanism for evaluating existing and proposed transformation projects. This enabled the prioritisation of transformation projects.
Throughout the project, we used our experience and knowledge of setting up and mobilising a system-wide framework that provided a structured approach to enable service transformation to support the delivery of another NHP scheme. We applied lessons learnt, where applicable.
“The services Currie & Brown provided were first class in every aspect. They have a very strong team, whose breadth of knowledge and technical ability is impressive, and level of enthusiasm is inspiring.” James Hackett, Programme Director, Strategic Estates: New Hospital Programme, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Redditch, UK
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