
We understand that physical assets have complex uses and integrated lifecycles. We reflect this in our services which address every aspect, from concept, design and construction through to the assessment of best-value options for ongoing use, maintenance, operation and eventually deconstruction.

We unite the people, knowledge and expertise to deliver excellence in all we do.  We add value to enable a better future and believe the key to building a sustainable business is lived by the values we hold; being professional, collaborative and honest in all we do.

Looking after your data

Thank you for your enquiry. We believe strongly in protecting your privacy. If you are sending us a CV please send it to us via our recruitment pages which can be found here. Our privacy policy explains what information we gather about you, what we use that information for, and who we give that information to. It also sets out our rights in relation to your information and who you can contact for further information or queries. Our full privacy policy can be found here