Spreadsheets – good and evil
31 diciembre 2018
John Dagleish, regional information manager at Currie & Brown, examines the development of the spreadsheet and details the usefulness of the dashboard.
Currie & Brown tiene una gran reputación por ser una empresa líder de opinión en una amplia gama de temas en nuestros sectores clave, con experiencia en los campos de gestión de activos, costes y proyectos. A continuación, se muestran nuestros últimos informes e ideas en los que comentamos las tendencias de la industria y los nuevos desarrollos que afectan a nuestros clientes.
31 diciembre 2018
John Dagleish, regional information manager at Currie & Brown, examines the development of the spreadsheet and details the usefulness of the dashboard.
19 diciembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Asia Pacific includes a report on current economic trends and takes a closer look at the NEC programme.
13 diciembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Asia Pacific includes a report on current economic trends and takes a closer look at the NEC programme.
13 diciembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Middle East includes an analysis of the global and regional markets. Our focus piece in this issue looks at forward-thinking approaches to cost management.
19 noviembre 2018
Richard Cairnes, director in our London office, evaluates the importance of change management and discusses how thorough planning can present opportunities.
15 noviembre 2018
Our UK construction activity and market outlook report for Q3 2018 forecasts increasing demand for skilled labour and discusses how smart technology is changing the way buildings are designed and operated.
2 noviembre 2018
Jeremy Newton, director in our APAC region, discusses the opportunities less developed markets can present to the construction industry.
18 octubre 2018
The latest APAC hospitality cost benchmarking report is now available to view.
18 octubre 2018
The latest APAC hospitality cost benchmarking report is now available to view.
8 octubre 2018
Alex Johnson is a data analyst with a background in economics. He specialises in understanding how location and economic policy impact construction costs globally. Here he examines the impact of steel tariffs on the US construction industry.
27 septiembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Asia Pacific includes a report on current economic trends and takes a closer look at project management offices and project management consultants.
27 septiembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Asia Pacific includes a report on current economic trends and takes a closer look at project management offices and project management consultants.
26 septiembre 2018
The latest edition of Insight Middle East includes an analysis of the global and regional economy. Our focus piece this time sheds light on project management offices and project management consultants.
13 agosto 2018
Sean Cole, senior director at Currie & Brown, examines the importance of unit cost pricing to relieve resource issues in the construction industry.
2 agosto 2018
Our UK construction activity and market outlook report for Q2 2018 forecasts an ongoing pattern of modest, steady growth and discusses the use of energy storage to manage peak demand.
2 agosto 2018
The latest APAC hospitality cost benchmarking report is now available to view.
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