Crown Project Services acquired by Currie & Brown

Crown Project Services (CPS), a long-established Sydney-based project management and property advisory company, has been acquired by Currie & Brown, an international physical assets management and construction consultancy.

Announcing the acquisition, Euan McEwan, Currie & Brown’s group chief executive officer, said: “I am delighted that we are joining forces with CPS. This strengthens our project management offering and gives us a leading edge in the commercial, education, justice, healthcare, residential and government sectors.  It doubles the size of our business in Australia and will allow us to service the growing social and economic infrastructure market on the East Coast.”

David Hughes, who co-founded CPS and was the company’s managing director and chairman, added: “We are pleased to be part of Currie & Brown, as our operations are complementary and our cultures are aligned.  For staff and clients it is ‘business as usual’, but we now have the advantage of being able to draw on the expertise of an international consultancy to provide clients with a broader range of services and experience in more sectors.”

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