Currie & Brown appoints Paul Chamings as director

Currie & Brown announces the appointment of Paul Chamings as director. This follows his recent appointment as head of operations for the peninsula sub-region covering the company’s Exeter, Plymouth and Truro offices.

Based in the Exeter office, Paul has worked at Currie & Brown for 17 years. With a team of over 20 staff across three offices, Paul is now responsible for providing operational leadership and setting the strategic direction for the sub-region.

Commenting on the announcement, Neil Brierley, regional managing director for England and Wales, said: “I am delighted to have Paul as part of the senior leadership team for the England and Wales business. His promotion is appropriate recognition for the contribution he has made and continues to make to the business. I look forward to working with him to build on the success of Currie & Brown in the South West.”


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