Currie & Brown appointed cost consultant on University of Warwick student residence project

Currie & Brown has been appointed by the University of Warwick to provide cost consultancy, whole-life costing and carbon assessments on its new student residence project.

The scheme comprises the demolition of the original Whitefields residences and construction of new residences on the same site. This commission is also extended to include the design and construction of further new residences on adjoining sites. 

The aspirations for the site are to create a medium-rise development which provides a focal point at the heart of the campus, incorporating complementary student-focused functions such as student support services and retail to activate the ground floor.

The commission will respond to the university’s accommodation strategy and masterplan. The new student residences will be designed to PassivHaus standards as the university continues to deliver low-carbon buildings. 

Jason Scott, associate director and project lead, commented: “We are delighted to continue our long-standing relationship with the University of Warwick. We look forward to supporting the university on Whitefields, to provide additional student accommodation for the university.”

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