Currie & Brown appoints new national head of cost and contract management services and infrastructure lead for New South Wales

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Rob Watkins as New South Wales national head of cost and contract management services and national lead for infrastructure, who will be driving the growth of cost management services from Currie & Brown in the NSW built environment space and the rapidly expanding infrastructure sector.

Rob brings with him a wealth of knowledge and insights having held several senior roles in the construction and engineering industry over the last 25 years. Leading large-scale, technically complex infrastructure projects, including rail, road, water, energy, telecoms, systems resilience and more. Over this time Rob has worked with advisory consultancies, Tier 1 design and build contractors, EPCs and major blue-chip clients, where his expertise covers delivering a wide range of cost services, including pure estimating, independent estimating, cost management, quantitative and qualitative risk management plus commercial and contracts advisory. Prior to joining Currie & Brown, Rob was cost management director at Jacobs, where he successfully developed and delivered significant new business opportunities across NSW and nationally.

Kim Berry, APAC COO, Currie & Brown, commented: “This is another significant appointment as we continue to strengthen and grow the senior management team at Currie & Brown. Rob’s background in complex infrastructure projects, coupled with his business networks, means that our business is well placed to support our clients and offer them the talent and experience to grow their business.”

Rob Watkins commented: “I’m delighted to be joining Currie & Brown with its significant heritage and pedigree and look forward to re-establishing the national infrastructure cost capability and expanding the service to benefit the company, our industry peers, and, most importantly, our clients. After listening and understanding clients and my teams over the years, I am looking to replicate this in an environment that will enhance this offering and allow a far superior service that will exceed my clients' needs and expectations.”

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