Currie & Brown provides pro bono work for homeless charity, St. Mungo’s
18 agosto 2022
Following an introduction to the homeless charity St. Mungo’s at the end of last year, our Bristol office has undertaken several feasibility studies for the potential conversion of sites/buildings in the Bristol area on a ‘pro bono’ basis, helping St. Mungo's test the feasibility of converting residential buildings into ‘homeless assessment centres'.
Currie & Brown’s work with St. Mungo’s involved basic project scoping, with proposed options for each project and a rough cost estimate, all completed pro bono. These units will be manned and operated by St. Mungo’s staff on a 24/7 basis, providing residence for those on the streets and assessing their needs while they’re in residence, including finding employment or long-term housing.
The buildings were supplied from the open market, local agents and other benefactors. Each project had its own considerations, and our careful planning led to a third referral for similar work at a site in Brighton, a project which is now being explored by the Haywards Heath and Southampton offices. St Mungo’s was keen to understand whether or not the change in use for the properties would be feasible, and if repurposing would be practical and possible.
Given Currie & Brown’s extensive involvement within the residential sector, and with the added context of the current social housing crisis, it was a privilege to carry out work which aligns with the tenets of our social values as an organisation. To date, Currie & Brown has raised over £15,000 to fund bed spaces for young people at risk of being homeless, and the opportunity to assist St. Mungo’s was a perfect occasion to use our organisation’s talents in lending a further hand.
We hope to continue to forge a positive relationship with St. Mungo’s that will allow us to offer further services as a meaningful contribution to local communities.
Created in 1969, St Mungo’s is a charity dedicated to ending homelessness across the South East and South West of England. It offers a range of services helping people through different stages of homelessness. Starting with only a small group of volunteers, the charity now helps over 3,000 people every night.
Leonard Charlton, Currie & Brown’s Bristol office director and project head for this work, had the following to say: “We’re delighted to be providing these services in partnership with St. Mungo’s. Corporate social responsibility is particularly important to Currie & Brown, and we’re excited to see where we can help further as our relationship with St. Mungo’s continues to develop.”