Gateshead Metrocentre Town Square project completed

Currie & Brown is pleased to announce that the Gateshead Metrocentre Town Square project for Sovereign Centros has completed.

Sovereign Centros took over the iconic shopping centre in Gateshead just over 18 months ago, agreeing an investment programme leading to significant improvements.

As part of this, a major £5.3 million refurbishment to create a new high-quality customer environment, including a new flagship store for H Beauty by Harrods, began in October 2021 with a challenging completion date of June 2022.

Currie & Brown’s Leeds and London offices provided project management and principal designer services on this scheme. Stakeholder management was key to the project and our team worked hard to develop strong working relationships throughout the project with all those involved.

The team has delivered the £5.3 million project on time, within budget and to a very high quality, and the new space has been transformed to maximise its appeal to customers.

Guy Beaumont, director for Sovereign Centros, added: “Through a collaborative approach with new and established relationships, Currie & Brown assisted greatly with project delivery to a challenging timescale, which in turn has completely transformed the Town Square shopping mall. The project was a very positive experience with a successful outcome.”

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