Andrew Peters appointed as director in New York

Currie & Brown is pleased to announce that Andrew Peters has been appointed as director in the New York office in order to support the company’s strategic growth plans within the New York metropolitan area.

Andrew previously served as managing director of Faithful+Gould’s New York office, where he was responsible for operations and strategic growth, as well as holding account management responsibility across a broad range of sectors including healthcare, technology, commercial property, higher education and hospitality.

Andrew has practised quantity surveying on three continents over a period of 19 years, with the last 12 spent in New York City.

Commenting on Andrew’s appointment, Paul Wood, Currie & Brown’s US president and chief operating officer said: "Andrew is an accomplished individual with extensive experience in the New York market and across a multitude of sectors. He will bring great value to our clients and position us well for growth. We are very excited to welcome him to Currie & Brown."

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