Currie & Brown appointed on University College London Hospitals Consultancy Framework

Currie & Brown has been appointed on University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) 3rd Generation Consultancy Framework. The new framework, for which UCL Partners is the awarding authority, consists of eight lots, and Currie & Brown will provide services to three: project management, healthcare planning and principal designer services.

UCLH has launched the five-year term framework to procure consultants across a range of disciplines to work as part of an integrated team to support the delivery of estate services in line with their rolling annual capital programme. It was one of the first NHS trusts to be granted foundation trust status and it contracts with over 70 primary care trust commissioning bodies to provide services. UCLH is also an active participant on the new framework.

Helen Pickering, who will lead Currie & Brown’s healthcare planning team, said: “We are proud to be appointed on UCLH’s new framework. We look forward to using our framework experience to support the trust. Working collaboratively with UCLH partners, we will drive positive change using effective health planning and successfully deliver capital projects over the lifetime of the framework.”

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