Currie & Brown UK appoints Jamie Chard as director

Currie & Brown announces the appointment of Jamie Chard as director and head of commercial project management for the England and Wales region. Jamie will be based in the Cardiff office. This follows the recent appointment of Chris Webb as director and head of Currie & Brown’s Southampton office.

Jamie joins Currie & Brown from Faithful+Gould, where he led the project management team in Cardiff. Prior to that, he was director of project management at Prudential Property Investment Managers, and latterly senior project manager for Queensbury Real Estate Limited, responsible for the delivery of a £100 million retail and leisure development in Wales.

Commenting on the appointment Neil Brierley, regional managing director for England and Wales, said: “I am delighted to welcome Jamie to Currie & Brown. He will lead on the further growth of our project management service to the commercial property and real estate market. Jamie brings a wealth of experience, gained from both consultancy and working on the client-side. His breadth of knowledge and expertise will add greatly to our business and the services we offer to our clients.”


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