Currie & Brown project managing University of London infrastructure renovations

Currie & Brown is providing project management services on the replacement of the windows, roof and boiler at the University of London’s Birkbeck Malet Street campus.

The project is to replace all windows and roof coverings on the campus, install a new boiler house on the 7th floor, reconfigure the plant enclosure layout and replace two chillers and ten air handling units.

Currie & Brown will also conduct a feasibility study on the space and structural load capacity for a data centre and all associated infrastructure, including chillers and a diesel generator.

The consultancy will manage the project, developing the completed design stages through to an established programme and phasing plan, demonstrating the sequencing and interrelationship of the new windows and roofing, heating installations, enabling works and all other associated works.

Richard Cairnes, director in Currie & Brown’s London office, commented: “The team is looking forward to managing and adapting to the live operational environment challenges that come with delivering a project while the university remains fully operational.”

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