Outline business case approved to replace University Hospital Monklands
11 juillet 2023
Our team in Glasgow is celebrating after the Scottish Government approved the outline business case to create Scotland's first digital and net zero hospital.
As lead advisors on the project, we're supporting NHS Lanarkshire to replace University Hospital Monklands in Airdrie with this exciting new facility. We're providing expertise in cost management, project management, digital, BIM and sustainability services.
Delivering innovation through digital technology
The new hospital will ensure safer and better patient care using digital technology and real-time information to support an efficient and effective patient journey. As a key member of the project’s digital working group, we are reviewing how technology will be used to allow patients to access care advice and to navigate their way through the hospital easily and intuitively. As part of our digital service, we are determining asset management requirements and integration with national digital platforms.
Driving net zero carbon ambitions
The project has significant net zero carbon ambitions. As NHS Scotland's pathfinder for the new Net Zero Carbon Standard for Public Sector Buildings, we'll be helping to drive embodied carbon reduction through strict targets, use of non-fossil fuel primary energy source and reduction in operational carbon. Our net zero and embodied carbon experts have been deploying innovative thermal modelling programmes to reduce the hospital's carbon footprint within cost parameters.
Achieving value for money
Through our cost management service offering, we have worked alongside the design team to understand the development of the design and impact on the cost plan, ensuring value for money is created to meet NHS Lanarkshire’s requirements. We have also supported them on selecting the project’s most suitable procurement route by engaging with the market, preparing findings and recommendations for review with the Scottish Government.
Douglas Ross, senior director and project lead, said “Congratulations to everyone involved in the project for reaching this significant milestone - it’s another step closer for the people of Lanarkshire getting their new state-of-the-art healthcare facility, which Currie & Brown is proud to be delivering.”
For further information visit the NHS Lanarkshire website.